Guild Recruitment, Week of July 03, 2017


Guild Name: Mothership

Guild Type: Public

Required Tier: None

Language: English




Are y'all ready to party? In space?! The Mothership is standing by in low Earth orbit — ready to beam aboard one new crew member!


This is the right guild for you if:

  • You want to join a guild that already has a friendly, active guild chat.

  • You want to join a guild that's pressure-free, yet successful. (We're pressure-free because we do not require a weekly quota for turrets; we're successful because we nevertheless complete at least Stage 9 of the Guild Mission most weeks.)

  • You want to join a guild that has its own party spaceship — a party spaceship that is equipped with a giant turbo super-laser!


There is 1 open slot as of Tuesday evening, July 11. The current crew hails from the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe, and Australia.


Put a glide in your stride and a dip in your hip —

And come up to the Mothership!


/r/StarWarsForceArena Thread