
I don't know, Azula may be psychotic, but she's probably the most impossible standard of GOOD ideal woman. Because she's direct. And that's the ideal whether it's yes or no.

She won't pussyfoot about if she isn't attracted to you. She'll just tell you in some horrible way that you've got no chance and not waste your time with platitudes about how "Oh you're so great but [such and such excuse], but don't be discouraged because you're a great guy, definitely, I'm not just saying that." Because it doesn't matter if she considers your feelings or not, she'll either respect you enough to know you're not an idiot and recognize that the attraction will never be there, or just not care because if you're lame enough to have your feelings hurt by someone directly rejecting you, you're too weak and pathetic to be worth her time anyway.

And if she IS into you she will even put herself in the awkward "make a move" position to get closer to you instead of teasing and playing with you. In fact, Azula will straight up commit and be transparent about her future goals and expectations to be the most powerful couple in the world and rule over the rest of humanity with an iron fist.

Ty Lee will sit there and be upset when all the r/niceguys simps resent her for "leading them on" and not repaying their simping with whatever they wanted, even though she never agreed to being put on a pedestal in exchange for anything. But I guess she was pretty bold and direct with Sokka, even though it was just sort of a chance physical attraction to one of the series' most Chad characters. I think that's what I don't like about Ty Lee over Azula, she seems somewhat pandering to like a bad cliche for superficiality at both ends of the spectrum.

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