Gun activists of Reddit: what are the real reasons one would NEED a gun?

I had to call 911 one night. I was home alone and had a man who came back 3 times, the third he was looking in windows, trying them, about 4am. I had flipped lights on the previous times, he knew I was home. I got out a colt 45- I know, ridiculous, but it was the gun I was 100% comfortable using, and told the officer I was hiding in my bedrooom with a loaded gun in my lap. He told me he was 25 minutes away (rural area), and I was doing exactly what I should. He said if anyone comes through that door or window don't think just shoot, he would deal with it when he got there. Thankfully nothing happened, but it sure did make me feel better knowing I could defend myself- what the heck else would a 115 lb woman do against a 6' 200 lb man?

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