A Gun Control Backup Plan?

I think on some level we're going to have to address the population of young, angry males who in their view lack agency aside from violent reaction and are irrevocably fucked in terms of their future. IMO it's the same issue as second-generation Muslim immigrants committing terrorist attacks and on a lesser level young men in inner cities. For a trite answer, have the guidance counselor give introduce them to Doug Stanhope, an edgy comedian with a cult following who's been referring to his audience (the Killer Termites) as "school shooters without bullets" for years. Beyond that, as much as I thought the "it gets better" campaign in terms of gay youths committing suicide struck me as utterly trite maybe we can do the same for wannabe school shooters, something along the lines of "It's not worth it". Additionally, I think that no-fight policies are counterproductive, to the point that (betraying my I'd

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