Gun control doesn't end in the courts, it ends on the porches of the free man

People always leave out the actually confiscating guns part.

You know who tends to own guns and support 2A and believe absolutely in the right to self defense? People in the military, and to a lesser extent people in law enforcement.

The overlap between “military” and “2A gun owner” is tremendous, even bigger when you account for families and friends of military/law enforcement. Uncle Joe in Fort Worth is an ex-vet has an arsenal, and lots of his family and friends are cops or in the military - which of them is going to go and try to take Joe’s guns, at the risk of a fatal outcome?

Wide scale confiscation is a practical impossibility. But I want them to try, because this issue needs to be settled - ideally before they’ve had enough time to properly brainwash the next generation of military and law enforcement (the good little commies they are raising in public schools today will NOT be pro-2A when they eventually get to the military or police department).

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