Gun control groups accused of ‘swatting’ open-carry permit holders, putting lives at risk

Not all gun control advocates are ignorant. The guys over at /r/gunsarecool are obnoxious, but they tend to at least take time to research opposing opinions/assertions. You can be an informed advocate of gun control, but most people pushing it do not do any work and seem annoyed when you ask them at least to know the difference between semi-automatic and automatic weapons (since legislation specifically falls down like a curtain between these two categories of weapons).

The father of that newswoman who just got shot just announced he was getting involved in gun control, and said "who the hell needs a machine gun to go hunt.". Completely ignorant comments like this (no one hunts with machine guns, and very few people own them) are the norm. This would be understandable if it were an offhand comment but gun control advocates routinely pick fights while not having made any effort to even understand their own arguments, much less the other side's.

The majority of people I run into who are anti-gun know nothing about guns, get angry when you take them to task for it, and act like children when you confront them -- even when they're the ones who start the discussion by making some sweeping, stereotypical statement about gun owners.

And it's always fun when they bring the NRA up; they're the left's New Order Illuminati Flying Saucer Reptilians Conspiracy group. Bloomberg, rich guy into stop-and-frisk and soda policing - nothing to see here, of course. The NRA though, bringing on the Rapture.

You have to understand what it is like being told what's wrong with your argument by someone who read a blurb in Newsweek about the issue when you read about and study the issue daily, or about people who accuse you of being paranoid and fearful when you're walking among complete strangers on rangers, in wilderness areas, and otherwise, and asserting everyone's right to possess firearms.

It would be funny if so much wasn't at stake.

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