Gun control isn’t stopping Californians from owning firearms, new study says

They could save up some more money, sure. Probably everyone I know could budget less money on food, and they'd make up for that $7.50 in a heartbeat, but I'm not expecting people who are bad at managing money to change, nor do I think they should need to for something deemed a public safety necessity. I have a friend that I go to the shooting range with occasionally, and he will only go if I am the one bringing the ammo, as he cannot afford his own. The same friend would like to get his CCW permit (About $110 for the whole process), and I've offered to pay for half of it, but he can't ever spare the $60. He may be bad at managing money, but this isn't unique to him, and I think if background checks are a real necessity, they should be taxpayer funded.

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