Gutfeld on San Francisco banning vaping

It's more about being pro-individual liberty than being pro-vaping. He's pointing out the hypocrisy that the city stripped people's rights in order to protect themselves from the dangers of vaping, but they won't police actual crimes such as intravenous drug use, property crimes, and literally pissing and shitting on the public sidewalks. The reason this happened is because the Leftist in power only care about virtual signalling. It's "cool" to ban smoking/vaping, but it's "not cool" to enforce immigration/property/drug laws. It's pretty obvious, really.

It shouldn't be a partisan issue, but so far all I've seen is news about Radical Leftist cities (Aspen, San Francisco, Orange county, I think) issuing these bans, so let's not pretend it's a "both sides" problem, when it clearly isn't.

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