This Guy Hits The Nail Right On The Head: Dave Rubin on Free Speech, Safe Spaces, and Trigger Warnings

Of course our opinions are not going to be taken that much into consideration and if I come and try to tell them all smug how they should feel and what they should think because oh I'm so smart then of course they will rightfully say "fuck you, what do you know?" Don't be so fucking sensitive about your opinions not being taken into account automatically.

Right. So basically "fuck off, you're not part of this".... "equality" thing?

I never had a period or given childbirth. So my opinion is worthless, I should fuck off and keep my privileged, sexist nose out of any and all women's issues.

I was never homeless. Clearly my shitlord self should stay the fuck away and keep my bigoted self from get involved in helping those less fortunate.

I never served in the military. I'll keep my pansy ass from ever talking/listening to my close Veteran friends who were stationed overseas. Because fuck do I know about compassion, empathy or helping some one else? I am but a CIS while priveleged scumbag.

Fuck your logic. It's absurd. Exclude any and all who haven't directly experienced something because their opinions don't matter. Meaning; empathy should be replaced with ignoring others. Meaning; even if you are 100% onboard with a cause that DIRECTLY SOLICITS AND REQUIRES support of others to function, inclusive by nature, tell people to fuck off if they haven't experienced something they are trying to change at its root/exclude from society. Basically, an exclusive club of dick measuring who was hurt the most, and nothing else.

What better way to help a cause that want to help victims of injustice than to create a toxic, disgusting barrier of exclusiveness, absurd moral superiority, and a nice ol' hierarchy of who's opinion matters, and who's doesn't?

Fucking progress.

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