The guy I’m seeing wants to have sex constantly.

He is insecure, and probably has some kind of rejection trauma that he hasn't fully processed. It sounds like he has some work to do on himself. Emotionally manipulating someone into having sex is not respectful, healthy, or legal. If I were you I would sit him down, explain how these outbursts make you feel, explain that your sex drive has nothing to do with him just as his has nothing to do with you, and suggest he sees a therapist to work through these issues. He may be resistant at first, but if he is a decent person who cares about you, he'll be willing to work on it and treat you, your choices, and your right to consent with respect.

I have a higher sex drive than my partner, and used to feel kinda rejected over it. Having conversations about it outside of the bedroom was the best thing we did. Now we both know we are simply different in that way and it's not something wrong with us, and we have ebbs and flows in our sex life, but we are also open about masturbating which is a normal human function with or without a lot of sex.

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