Guy on Facebook satirizes Trump's Civil War comments by writing his comments verbatim out on paper as if a child wrote them; Trump supporters come to his defense

My logic (and the logic of most republicans) is that it's wrong to keep accommodating people who are unable to take care of themselves.

We are only having this conversation because hundreds of millions of years of natural selection. Some members of species are not meant to survive. Why are democrats so hellbent on making sure nature doesn't take it's course?

I'll give ya a couple examples that I think are universally relatable. One: a guy flies down the interstate at 130 mph, goes into the back of a semi, and dies instantly. Everyone says "What a tragedy". Really? That was a tragedy? He was a moron. He had it coming. THAT is natural selection. He SHOULD have died. It's better for the entire species that he didn't reproduce. I mean seriously! I know it's sad, but get real. He was an idiot that was going to have idiot kids who make idiot decisions.

Two: Lets say that you and I are gazelles on the African plain. We're not at the very front of the pack, but we're both much closer to the front than the back. A lion attacks. Kills that one retarded gazelle at the back of the herd. He was too slow and stupid to make it away. That's how it's supposed to happen. The slow, stupid ones at the back are the ones who die. It's not pretty, but it literally is better for the entire pack that the stupid, slow one got killed.

Well now, the gazelles have built a huge walled city and the lions can't get us anymore. So what happens? Well, those stupid, slow gazelles from the back of the pack start breeding. And breeding. And breeding. And breeding. Now, the vast majority of gazelles inside the walled city are the stupid, slow back the pack gazelles. Complete fucking morons. I watch the back of the pack gazelles take over the gazelle city and destroy it because they're too god damn stupid to build it into something great. And finally, a big group of gazelles get together and tell me I should feel sorry for the back of the pack gazelles.

Why? Why the fuck should I feel sorry for them? They should be dead. The only reason they're not is because of what those in the front of the pack did. They are literally destroying my species. Lastly, one of those stupid gazelles rides his crotch rocket into a semi at 130 mph. And I'm supposed to feel bad for him? He had it coming.

Finally, I'll say this: this is literally the first time in the entire of planet earth that a species has removed itself from the cycle of natural selection. Your assumption that you're doing what's best is just that - an assumption. There is no evidence one way or another that "saving" everyone will be positive or negative in the long run. But I do know this - as long as people keep pushing for us to "save" everyone, the degenerative traits will never, ever, EVER be bred out of existence, and humanity will NOT move into the next stage of evolution.

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