This guy is really .......

I’m not gonna lie… I find AOC incredibly attractive. She’s very pretty and has an awesome smile. I’m a straight guy, we notice stuff like that without trying to. But I care way more about her policies because… you know… she’s a lawmaker for my country who genuinely cares about its citizens from what I can tell. These subliminal messages from the right really freak me out. They are actually implying that her liberalism almost ruins her. And that’s an engaged woman too… these are super weird and shouldn’t exist. It’s amazing their voters won’t care about this. If Bernie, Fetterman, or Turner and their bases did stuff like this that may make me leave. It’s normal to notice someone is attractive, it’s weird and scummy to paint that as their only redeeming quality. I really feel bad for her. I wouldn’t be able to put up with this. Just be a good person. End of speech.

/r/TheRightCantMeme Thread Link -