Guy rips confederate flag off moving truck.

The Confederacy was based on slavery.

No it wasnt...the confederacy was based on state's right and the rights of the state to govern itself rather than be under the thumb of the national government. ONE of the main issues was slavery, sure, but slavery was not what the confederacy or what the civil war was about.

While a lot of people like to leave out that part of the civil war and what the confederacy were fighting for, not everyone thinks that way. There are plenty of people in the South that still fly the confederate flag to protest the national government, promote the state government, or for a variety of other issues other than slavery.

Do I fly a confederate flag? No. Do I think states should have more rights to govern their people than the national government? No. I really support none of the things that people who fly the confederate flag support, but at the same time, I can appreciate that their message is a lot more complex than "I support slavery" because I actually paid attention in history class.

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