Guy saves his cat from loose dog

absolutely horrible and I hope that dog is dead. A note to the other commenters though... pit bulls were the most popular and loved family breed in the United States a long time ago, but once more black people starting having them in their homes, white people couldn't stand it. nobody wanted what was now 'the black man's dog' and suddenly they went from widely popular beloved family friendly breed to vile evil disgusting murderous creatures that nobody wants. aka they started treating/referring to the dogs as if they were black people. Look at all the racist black stereotypes of the 20th century, and the pit bull stereotypes that suddenly existed one day together on a Venn diagram, and you basically have a circle. I dont have a pit bull, nor do i have any passion around them, jsut want to point out you've been tricked into perpetuating good old 1960's American racism babes.

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