This guy seems like an expert.

i thank god every day of the day i first heard of the existence of incel. i spent from 14-15 to about 29 terminally ill or recovering from it. it severally limited my dating options for most of that time. nothing stopped me from finding someone other than i drew the shitty card of getting seriously bedridden ill for about 6-7 years. i used to hate myself because that happened to me and all i wanted was the normal life people have. i first heard of incel last year, i had resigned myself to the bleak dating world of being 36 and single, meaning i resigned myself to a few bad dates an year and being the "cool rich uncle who has a TMNT IV arcade machine at his house" to my nephew. these guys are so bad, i can never ever feel bad about my circumstances again.

i will always have that and weirdly, it's enough.

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