the guy telling people to indicate at roundabouts reminded me of this. Which was is the correct way to exit this roundabout? Lived near here for a year and a half and see people doing it differently. Which colour is the right way?

Section 4 of

Spiral roundabouts Using an exit more than halfway around the roundabout
1.      Position your vehicle in the right-hand lane, unless arrows on the road or signs indicate otherwise.
2.      Use your right indicator as you approach and enter the roundabout.
3.      Give way to all vehicles already on the roundabout.
4.      Remain in your lane or change into the right-hand spiralled lane.
5.      Indicate intention to change lanes, give way to vehicles in the lane and only move into another lane when it is safe to do so.
6.      Before exiting, use your left indicator and follow the exit lane marking.
7.      Stop indicating once you have exited the roundabout.

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