Guy wakes up in the wrong house!

ahh yes. the NЯA.

there was the time when they were like "now that trump is president we need to be ready to literally kill anyone who disagrees with us and also the media is the enemy of the state".

they're pretty good at spreading lies that the parkland shooting was a hoax and the kids were paid actors. they've done that multiple times.

they've historically proven very willing to flip flop on their core positions on gun ownership when it's black people owning the guns.

so yep. the NЯA. never forget that the middle letter stands for "Russia".

they're not about freedom, or individualism, or american exceptionalism. they're about laundering russian money while using "but libruls gonna take ur GUNSSSSS" as a smokescreen to dupe ignorant conservatives into donating to them.

empty fucking suits. all of them.

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