This guy washing the dishes

Because it's lazy reactionary content. But for anyone who cares..lets have a critical thinking lesson..

  1. Why would he be recording himself doing the dishes? who does that? Nobody. it's a household chore people don't really like doing but it has to be done.
  2. The position he stands in almost hides the girl but not quite, the way he bends his elbow/shoulder into an unnatural position to further hide the girl who is standing behind him, if you're quick enough you can spot her very briefly.
  3. the earphones are for show, i mean ok, people do listen to music while doing the housework but he's well aware what is happening.
  4. I doubt there's even any water in that sink, if there is, theres only a little bit and his movements just look awkward.
  5. both wearing white in another attempt to hide.
  6. he's turned away very slightly or just enough to see the kid out the corner of his eye
  7. The reaction isn't genuine
  8. ........Too much BS on reddit like this, sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's not. but credit to reddit it leans more into the funny side which is why I'm always coming back. fine, if people want to feel good over fake internet points then go right ahead. I do love how creative people can get for internet fame but stuff like this is hilariously bad.
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