guy with dementia decides to drive 45 in a 25.. and manages to send three teenagers to the hospital in the process.

My grandmother passed this last year. She, my mother, my sister, and I all live in separate houses in the same neighborhood so they stop by fairly frequently. This is the story of how Gram lost her driving privileges because of an incident involving a one year old and a mother.

The mother was me, the baby was mine. Gram had been so focused on my house she didn’t see us on the sidewalk, and our parking lot is weird so you don’t really feel a “curb” and there are no lines or markings so it’s easy enough to wander off the road a smidge. I thought she’d waved to me so I was standing there when she all of the sudden came up on the curb and knocked us down.

Luckily my daughter was in my arms so I was able to maneuver “just” getting my feet ran over. I have severe polyneuropathy so I didn’t feel it, thankfully, but she broke the top of my right foot and fractured my left ankle.

Worst part is that she didn’t notice she hit me, kept driving because we hadn’t come outside while she was passing.

I was fine. Baby was fine. Genuinely find it hilarious.

Gram was not allowed to drive ever again.

The joke now is singing that old Christmas tune, with lyrics changed to “Charlie got run over by our Grandma, walking down to Mom’s house in the morn//you might think that Grandma is a sweetheart, but after gettin’ Charlie you’ve been warned”

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