Of the guys that you have been with, what percentage were Chads ?

There's no such thing honey, even Chad has something that's wrong with him, you should see a man in private when he's wrapped in a woman's legs and spills everything, I've had some of the really good looking ones, my ex for example, a nice butt chin and a mountain for a jaw, nice eyes, a blonde boy, but he was balding at the hairline, always insecure about it, I didn't see a damn thing wrong but he was always talking about his hairline

Then there was the Henry Cavill man, the cop, one thing about a handsome face is they always look a bit older because of how masculinized it is unless they have baby soft eyes, but there's no pretty look to Cavill, he was around 22 and looking 30 when we did the friends introduction, really out of place honey, he looked like a man and he looked older than me and I had him by 2 years

Then there was the real pretty one, a real insecure one, he was obsessed with my feet and nails and skin care, but always worried about his sexual performance and me leaving him for some better man, what if I don't like something enough, the really neurotic kind of attractive man with some possessive in him, the unhealthy kind, but I wasn't complaining about that, the insecurity was through the roof, you'd think a handsome Chadly man would have all the confidence in the world, but its not it, insecurity was driving his vanity like a woman in sheeps clothing

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