Do you guys consider Middle Easterners Asian?

I personally don't. Btw pakistan is in south asia.

We don't have the same problem with middle easterners, they have different issues. Pakistani, indians, bangladesh, still can relate to the problems that east or south east asians have. There are also tons of indians living in malaysia and singapore.

All Pakistani that I've met, both online and real life, usually have positive perspectives toward Chinese and the country. Beside, their language is so similar to Hindi, although they are heavily influenced by Islam, they still can related to South Asian culture. The same thing applied to Indonesians and Malaysians, although they are Muslims, they still can relate to Asian culture and other Asian countries.

If we have to consider middle easterners as asians, then jews are ethnically asians too...

Iranians, Afghani, Tajik, are genetically and linguistically related to Indians, but they are heavily influenced by Arab and Muslim culture.

Another thing to mention is that, Russia is far closer to China than the middle east. But they are still considered as white right?

/r/AsianMasculinity Thread