Guys dating someone younger... What is acceptable?

I have met a lot of immature women, yes. I just replied to ppardee below and wrote a comment applicable as a response to what you just wrote.

I've met several 30+ women who live the same lifestyle and have the same mentality as someone under 21, only are in worse shape because they're unwed mothers and have years of damage from substance abuse and what-have-you. The college graduation rate here in the USA is very low, especially where I live, and it's quite possible they don't apply themselves academically and just have the same routine because they know it works.

I said it would be more acceptable for someone at a younger age to have those unreasonable expectations because they don't have the life experience yet to realize just how bad things can get. A sudden job loss or car problem, for example, can cause a debt spiral or worse in a short time. That's just personal stuff and not things like war, crime, the economy, etc.

I would just personally feel better about them being young and a bit naive and helping them than someone who should already know better yet chose to be a baby factory/crackhead for the past decade.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread Parent