This guy's got skills

Ok so there's a LOT of references to some of Reddit's legendary posts. So here they are -- some have been referenced some not yet... Thanks to /u/chunksgalore as I saved this from his previous post (beware some NSFW stuff):

Time to get educational. Let's learn about Reddit's most famous/infamous stuff. You're gonna see a lot of references to these:

• Kevin

• Being not good at dirty talk

• Trying to throw a steak out a closed window

• Trying to convince your significant other's parents that you have no clue what a potato is

• Cumboxes

• "The Button"

• The Jolly Rancher story *NSFL

• "The Swamps of Dagobah"

• The guy who broke both arms as a kid, whose mom got involved to "help"

• Guy thinks a pornstar is a student in his class, commenter drops incredible Descarte pun

• "Jenny": Dude accidentally discovers his wife is cheating, so he live-Reddits the entire process of catching her in the act with the aid of a private investigator Very lengthy, but so worth it

• "Which famous person needs to come out already?", trolling ensues

• "HELP reddit turned spanish and i cannot undo it!", commenters troll relentlessly

• "Geraffes are so dumb"

• Guy's wife cries when finding out that "swans can be gay", among other things

• OP asks what "those mirror disco balls" are called, commenters do not disappoint

/u/rogersimon10, the guy who is always being beaten with jumper cables

• DickButt

• Streetlamp Le Moose

• Reddit user thinks his landlord is stalking him by leaving Post-It note messages in his apartment; commenters subsequently diagnose him with carbon monoxide poisoning and determine he was unknowingly writing the notes himself

• "Suddenly fetus" *NSFL

• Doritos NSF motherfucking L

• "Please don't ask me how I managed to take this picture..."

• Commenters compile a list of which Reddit accounts are bots (very informative)

/u/poem_for_your_sprog, Reddit's most beloved poet

• "Today you, tomorrow me"

• The most downvoted comment in Reddit history (Honestly, not sure of the context behind this one, but I feel like 10k+ downvotes warrants some kind of acknowledgement)

• This glorious dispute between /u/AWildSketchAppeared and /u/Shitty_Watercolour The phrase "username checks out" couldn't possibly be more relevant

/r/funny Thread Parent Link -