Why do you guys let yourself be defined by pronouns if they arent the same as gender?

You don't care if people use the wrong pronouns for you because you already feel accepted and acknowledged as your gender (or lack of, if agender). You have a baseline level of mental security knowing people generally respect you as the person you're presenting as.

For me, I have a huge issue with feeling misrepresented which I think should be more relatable. I hate violence and wouldn't even hurt someone in self defense but women are still terrified of my hulking gorillahon body. It's humiliating, and misused pronouns are reminder that the image I'm projecting into the world is deeply corrupted and not getting reflected back as I would like.

It also builds a toxic distrust of friends and allies. They can tell me I'm pretty but random service workers accidentally misgender me constantly (not maliciously), so I know my friends only see me as a woman because they're nice and supportive, not because they actually do. My gender expression has taken such an incredible amount of time, effort, money, and a staggering amount of emotional energy, and it gets rounded down to zero with a two letter pronoun.

/r/asktransgender Thread