To the Guys Older Than 18-22, Let's Post Our Past Mistakes For The Younger Guys To Avoid.

Video Games are a tough subject. They're just enough of a grey area to comment on. I'll leave out any argument of "pro" video games as those are still an extreme minority of actual video game players regardless of their growing popularity as a spectator event.

On one hand, you're 100% right. 99.99% of Video Games aren't going to teach you how to prepare a meal, survive in the wild, or be charming beyond maybe some incidental trivia hidden in flavor text or dialogue. There really isn't a "point" to them and no amount of studies saying they improve visual multi-tasking or what have you can offset the benefits of going to a dance class or first aid course.

On the other.... Video Games are indeed a form of art, and like any art there can be value to consuming it constructively. No one really bemoans someone who paints terrible watercolors in his spare time for wasting all those hours and dollars, especially someone who uses that hobby as a springboard to examine things like color, impressionism, physics, history, foreign cultures, and so on. Games have at least the potential to be similar. There can be constructive socializing in online games, even total time-sinks like MMORPGs or so-called mindless shooters like CoD and TF2. Doing research and specifically playing games with short lengths and creative use of mechanics you can't get in other media like continue?9876543210 or This War of Mine or Papers Please can be genuinely enriching experiences. Even "rote" platformers, Roguelikes, and content-munchers (Half-life, The Last of Us) can be useful time-killers as they encourage problem-solving and grit, although to be sure they fall closer to being a waste of time overall. RPGs are more contentious, but can at least be engaging the same way binge-watching a trashy TV series can be-- I mean I love Star Trek and have taken great things from it but if possible I'd like to get the time I spent watching 85% of those episodes back.

My point ultimately being, if you want to play video games do so-- but for fuck's sake have a brain about you. The same way if you're going to watch TV do some research and put your money down on The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, or the Wire instead of 10 seasons of Kardashians.

/r/seduction Thread