Guys of Reddit, what don't you understand about other guys?

After reading through all your comments in this thread, you're point seems to be, "don't sleep in conditions you know to be bad, otherwise, you should know what's coming to you" and somehow, also, "but don't be ashamed to pursue the life or a normal human, which may include sleeping with whoever you want, since many humans enjoy doing this." with these opposing views, do you think that either A.) never warn anyone about dangers of sleeping around (both with people you may know or those you may have met that night) B.) Warn them about everybody, because mom is a potential rapist; or C.) (and this is my favorite) offer everyone you know advice when it comes up in context, or not, because you assume that the people you talk to know the difference between "if you ever get raped, it's your fault" and "I hope you never get raped, here's how to minimize the chance of it" or, in the past tense "You got raped? how can we stop this from happening in the future!" and "you got raped? it was your fault, what did you do?"

And yes, there is a difference on number five, by the way. Namely, and this happens a lot, the first party assuming that because they have slept together before, and are in a relationship, which is based on open communication that if their partner didn't want to have sex, they would say I don't want to have sex right now If you have given consent, (and I may unpopular here) it is your job to let the other party know, you have since revoked it.

If your mother told you today that, "By the way, I know you have always assumed you could use the guest room/fold-out couch/front room to sleep in, becuase I told you it was okay, and have enjoyed it up until now, but i'm calling the cops because I don't want you here anymore and didn't feel like telling you earlier." would you think your mom was a reasonable person? No.

I agree with everything you said, in a perfect world. But this isn't such a world. Go to be, hope the people you love are normal, but saying "don't rape people"is like "Don't murder people" or "don't lie about rape/murder" the people who would listen already wouldn't, and the people who won't, don't care.

Also, you number three is bullshit. "Legally capable of consent" is the same as "Capable of signing a legally binding document" (unless you have some other random definition) which is about the same as being legally able to drive a car (as far as being impaired goes). Which means 1.) every club is out of busy, 2.) most bars or, 3.) college sucks (not because "collage is only fun because I can rape people" but, "collage was fun because I didn't get in trouble when me and my future best friend hooked up and she was drunk") and most importantly 4.) Now I have to treat every human I meet who has had a beer as an infant (yes this is conceited, but this is where the argument of "don't have sex with them if they are drunk" goes)

Me:wanna go out?


Me:wait, are you drunk?

Them:I had a beer, but...

Me: Nope, you can't consent to anything, you might be impaired

In conclusion, Rape s a horrible thing, but putting the it into two categories of:

You know who complains about not being able to legally fuck chicks who are blackout drunk? Rapists and teenage virgins.

you are no better than people who say

you know who complains about rape? whores and bitches who can't get laid

Also, just so you know, Step one is the same as saying, "If you know someone has a history of being abusing, don't be around them


Step 1 is simple life common sense.

So saying

"If you know, wearing x-clothing/doing y-thing/being z-place might get you raped, doing wear/do/be it."

which is victim shaming by definition.

Anyway, I'm sure there are whole in my argument somewhere, just saying, if you honestly think you can stop false rape claims with a reddit comment less than 10,000 words, you are not too bright.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent