Guys of Reddit, who have slept with an unusually high amount of woman (~100+), what would be your most surprising insights.

I’m stopped keeping track at 30 because it kinda gives me anxiety to think about the being promiscuous, (especially because a lot of my college sex was unprotected). I’m at 55-70 now at 23 y.o. I always act outrageously confident, almost to a joke level but balance it out with self deprecation. This may be an untrue evaluation but I swear girls and groups who make it a point to call me a man whore/ talk about the people that they know that I’ve slept with, want to sleep with me more. I can’t tell you how many times a girl playfully calls me a slut or tells me I fuck everyone and they we hook up in the near future. I’m also pretty average looking in the face (6 or 7 probably) but also have always run triathlons and lift 5-6 times a week.

/r/AskMen Thread