Guys: what’s your typical match ratio?

I'm the wrong gender (I'll keep my girl cooties to myself), but in case it is interesting information, I have 9 mutual likes and 38 likes I've picked that haven't yet liked me back.

So that's 9 mutual matches out of 47 total profiles I've liked, which is about 20%. That is just since I switched to Hawaii as my location though, not sure what the ratio was when I was searching in Boston.

As far as non-mutual likes in the other direction, OkCupid resets that number every time you view the list (even without A-list), but it was at 3300 something until just reset it. I think the last time I had reset it was while I was still looking in Boston though. So that accumulated over a much longer time period.

Just "like" people that are likely to actually be interested in you, if you want to increase the %, and of course make sure your profile matches the reasons you think someone would be interested in you.

/r/OkCupid Thread