Guys with over a decade of marriage, what's your "Yep, she's STILL the one" moment?

25 years in and she still got angry if I didnt do something she wanted, And also got angry if I did do that thing she wanted because I was "making her feel guilty". And by "thing", I mean "literally everything". Lots of shouting and throwing things ensued every day.

I spent all those years thinking it was actually me that was the problem and being very apologetic. But that was of course not enough.

But we had four kids when we were still young, so in my head she was the one.

Then she died of a random brain aneurysm. Now i (and a lot of therapy for everyone) am still unraveling the mess she left in my kids' heads, several years later.

Dont get married young, kids.

/r/AskMen Thread