Gym goers of Reddit, what is something (protocol, etiquette, tips, etc.) that new year resolution-ers should know about the gym?

Gym's should do a better job monitoring their facility and its' members. If a member gets 3 strikes for the following, their membership should be revoked without a refund no questions asked, for the good sake of the gym community.

Strike elligibility can/will include: (A) complaint by other members for emitting extreme foul body odor by the means of not using deodorant (B) not bringing own towel to wipe down sweat or machines after usage (constantly leaving slimry sweat and/or oil residue on equiptment and machines as a surprise gift for those after you) (C) on more than one occassion(s) demonstrating selfish behavior by hogging multiple equiptment, dumbbells, and/or machines in a highly inconsiderate manner (D) not re-racking weights and putting equiptment back to where they belong on more than one occassion (E) not washing your gym clothes (although this would be hard to regulate, i guess this can be applied to [A] smelling too foul to the extent where it's bothersome to others) (F) littering by throwing trash and paper towels anywhere other than the trash bins

/r/AskReddit Thread