Hachu may be regretting learning English

I do think that she initially HIGHLY underestimated how much her fans enjoy her lack of English ability, how much it adds to her humor, how many people are there JUST to play off of it, etc. She had this idea that if she could speak English perfectly, she could joke in a smart and intelligent way, like she can/does in Korean.

What she underestimated was how worthwhile that is, and how much anyone cares about that, or thinks of it as part of her personality. They came for pepega, not intelligent anything. The intelligence behind the pepega, pulling the strings, is what makes her a good streamer, but not what makes her funny on screen, or what initially draws people in.

Taking a lot of time off, to learn English, and coming back speaking and understanding really well, was, and still is, a terrible idea. I said then that she should integrate it with her stream, and grow WITH her community, shaping it, as she shapes her ability. I'm not claiming that she ever read a single one of my comments, but that's exactly what she's started doing, and I think it will benefit her greatly.

There will be no shock or hard shift, it will be slow, the memes can progress naturally, and "old hachu" (who didn't understand something) can progressively become a thing she herself can laugh at and have fun with.

This clip right here is proof of that. If she just came back and understood all English memes, because she studied them off screen, it wouldn't be funny. She wouldn't be able to show her community her "first steps" so to speak. She'd just comment on how it's "crazy she understand now" and move on.

/r/LivestreamFail Thread Parent Link - clips.twitch.tv