Hack your subconscious mind.

It is extremely difficult to change your thoughts by logic.

You need to seperate three different things in your head to get this moving. Feelings, Thoughts, Actions.

You can not change your feelings - they simply are. You get angry, you get excited, happy, sad, whatever. These are chemical responses from your limbic system in your brain. Mostly the amygdala and hippocampus. Getting angry looks like increased adrenaline, cortisol.. your brain is preparing your body for a challenge. Tightened muscles (preparing for physical altercation), faster breathing and increased heartbeat (for increased oxygen to the brain and muscles).

Thoughts are how you react to these feelings. This is your learned behaviors and beliefs from above. They are determined using the neural pathway as defined above. Those pathways are basically sequences. When this happens, they fire in sequence in a "we did this last time and we are still alive, so lets do that again because it obvioulsy worked. Again, your brain is trying to protect you.

Last is actions, what we do. We do not control feelings at all. We struggle to control our thoughts, but we have 100% control over our actions. We can tell those thoughts to sit down and shut up and perform actions inline or contrary to our thoughts.

Here is the kicker tho - because thoughts come from those pathways, we can change those pathways by consciously performing actions and creating new pathways. Actions change thoughts, not logic.

You can read this shit all day long and it will not change much at all in your life unless you take action. Reading about approach for a month straight will do absolutely nothing unless you actually go out and do it.

Actions change thoughts - that's how you hack your mind.

/r/TheRedPill Thread