“The Hacker and all the PMs men” ... a person involved in dirty politics comes clean

That white text on a photo background is annoying me, so I'm c&ping them for normal reading. In case other people are interested, I'll post them all here:

(My name is Benjamin Rachinger. I am nobody and that’s the way I’ve always liked it. Having been born severely deaf and growing up wearing hearing aids, I gravitated to computing and reading from a young age. It was an escape from what could sometimes be a harsh world.

As I grew up and went through schooling I found that the history of my country was stirring to read. NZ is one of the last geographical landmasses to have been discovered and colonised by the British Empire. There was internecine warfare between Maori (the indigenous people of NZ of whom I racially belong) and other Maori long before Britain came here to colonise. There was warfare between the British Army and Maori when the Maori rose against the landgrabs and cultural genocide that was taking place. We lost. It culiminated in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. The treaty was a binding agreement between the Crown and the Maori signatories where the Crown promised to respect Maori sovereignty and treat Maori as equals. This has sadly not been the case and many Maori are in prisons, asylums and on the streets in this day and age. Just another Colonial story.

Why is this bit of history pertinent to this story?

Cameron Slater is a far-right blogger, a fervent Christian man, the son of an Ex-National Party (Right wing political party) President and a man who believes that the White man is superior. A hunter of animals and Men. Someone who called a recently deceased young man a “feral” on his blog. Ostensibly this was the reason a hacker named “Rawshark” hacked into Mr Slaters Gmail, Twitter and Facebook accounts and fed this data to Mr Nicky Hager and journalists at the New Zealand Herald. This resulted in a book called “Dirty Politics” by Mr Hager, a internationally respected investigative journalist. The book had many points but what it showed was that money, business, hacking and political corruption was becoming the norm in NZ.

Mr Slaters blog is called “Whale Oil Beef Hooked” (www.whaleoil.co.nz). It has recently won the Canon “Best Blog” award alongside other awards for “Best Blog”, even subsequent to “Dirty Politics” being published. Many sane and rational people have asked the question: How bad is it behind the veil? Who is doing what? How high does it go?

This is what I will be covering in a series of blog posts here. I came as close as it is possible to come to these “Dirty Politics” operators and have rigourously documented every single conversation, email and Threema (Swiss encrypted messaging platform used by spooks, politicians and journalists) messages.

Today, you will see what happens behind closed doors, in encrypted messages, in bars and park benches. You will make your own mind up about my motives. You won’t be able to ignore the evidence.)

(I first came to the attention of Mr Slater when I read a tweet from him saying that his website, www.whaleoil.co.nz, was under distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in March of 2014. I tweeted back at him and asked what protections he had in place and gave some general advice. He asked me to email his website administrator/security man. This person is Regan Cunliffe of ‘Throng’. Regans wife, Rachel, designed the Whaleoil website. I didn’t have any spare time to help further so I did not email Regan and we left it at that.

2014 was a General Election year. Elections take place every 3 years in New Zealand. In 2014 we had a lot of upsets to the process via the presence of Mr Kim Dotcom funding a political party (InternetMana). InternetMana was ostensibly a strong crypto-anarchist party with great people as candidates that had joined with a Maori Socialist Party to get into Parliament. I became worried that people in New Zealand did not know of Kim Dotcoms past. I then decided that I would make a set of videos about each of the political parties in New Zealand. I entitled the series “Smoke and Mirrors”. My first video was on Kim Dotcom.

The video is here on [YouTube]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VARd8pMIvCQ)

I messaged Mr Slater and linked him to my video and asked what he thought. I did this because he is a political operator and I wanted his opinion going forward with the rest of my videos. Mr Slater said he was interested in posting the video to WhaleOil and asked me to write a bit about myself. A screenshot of my email reply to him is below.

Mr Slater then linked to the video on Whaleoil.

This created a lot of buzz and talk. Whaleoil is said to be the most read blog in New Zealand so this was good exposure for the videos. WhaleOil commenters were overwhemingly positive and many called me a good representation for the future of my generation (LOL).

I then made and uploaded my second ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ video which was about the National Party (Governing party) and John Key (Prime Minister).

This video is viewable on [Youtube here ]( https://youtu.be/e7UvJXAKMtU)

This video covered many things that were largely heretofore unknown about the current National Party President and I was very surprised Mr Slater published it. It created a feeling in me that Mr Slater was fair and if someone was dodgy, he would out them. No matter the Party.

As I was to find out next, this is not the case.)

/r/newzealand Thread