Hackers -.-

Yeah the rollback should be player rollback not area roll backs so if a hacker lootd your shit and then they type .rollback (hacker name) (time frame) or rollback all the players stuff who got cheated on and what that would do is all his chests and items and buildings get rolled back a certain amount of time what would be really helpful is if items had a let's say 30 letter/number id that is random so admins would be able to tell an ak a hacker used vs an ak a normal player used but that would be a big issue on high x servers where u get 1 mil stone from 1 rock because when you stack it all it would have to remember 30 bytes per item so if there was 30,000,000 numbers that would tear up the ram usage and that would be in 1 stack of stone then there would be like 500 more stacks of stones and there would be a chance that the random number/letters might be the same on 1 item and to fix that they would have to change it to the random letters will include numbers to so it's less of a chance and then like increase it to 50 characters whcih would ruin ram usage on even official servers you would need like 64 gb unless I'm thinking about it wrong which I probably am and if would only take like 10 mb extra ram

/r/playrust Thread