Had an absolutely awful first time 6 years ago. Afraid to try again but really want to (Need opinions) Sorta long story

I'm sorry about your experience, that sounds really unpleasant. To give you some perspective, I'm 17 years old, I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and clinical depression at 14 (I've been taking antidepressants since), a couple weeks before I turned 15, I smoked for my first time with one of my sisters and her boyfriend. I don't really think I got high the first few times I smoked, I was probably experiencing the placebo effect if anything (I don't think I inhaled correctly until my like 5th or 6th time smoking). However, one night my sister and her boyfriend brought out their vaporizer and we sat in a circle and smoked for easily an hour and a half, I have no idea how many hits I took. Afterwards the three of us sat on the couch and watched TV (My sibilings are much older than me and have been smoking regularly since they were teenagers, so they were very in control and responsible, I felt safe with them.) I was ridiculously high. I was convinced I had superpowers and that my vision had the capability of zooming in and focusing on stuff. I thought the TV commercials were so enchanting. There was a Subaru commercial that came on and I thought it was so beautiful that I cried. I was definitely not in control of my body, I was practically glued to the couch, I was twitchy, and shivering and sweaty at the same time. Despite all this, I had a great experience! I think I felt safe, I was in a familiar place with people I trusted, there was no expectation for me to act a certain way, I was allowed to let the high take over. I've smoked many, many times since then, and I've had a few bad experiences (I'm talking like maybe 3 bad times out of the hundreds of times I've smoked) To me, it sounds like you smoked too much in an unfamiliar setting. If I were you, I would give it another shot, smoke with someone you trust (preferably an experienced smoker), or maybe have a sober friend come over and just spend the night in watching movies or TV (not something too introspective or dark, maybe a comedy or a cartoon). A lot of friends tell me about these horrible experiences they've had with smoking and the biggest trend seems to be that they were smoking with unfamiliar people or in a public or unfamiliar place.

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