I had a dream today that showed me the complete misery of the mind of my ex-girlfriend.

I have a lot of pity with her and I would love to reach out to her. The problem is that there is a good chance she won't reach out to me out of shame once she is out of the manic episode. But if I reach out to her during the manic phase she might react aggressively towards me, which would hurt her even more once she is out of the manic episode, because she would feel even more shame and regret. So there is nothing I can really do. I can just hope that she either reaches out to me or finds another person she can rely on, because otherwise there is a good chance that she will commit suicide I think.

So it bothers me a lot. A part of me just wants to close his eyes from this and suppress thoughts about her, and another part of me knows that it would be weak to not think of the misery of other people, just because it's difficult to do so.

Definitely a shitty situation, but I can't really do anything besides waiting anyways.

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