I had a medical abortion today.

This was hard to read. I didn't know that they have this kind of procedure. I had an abortion at 9 weeks 5 years ago and it was much easier than this. They gave me iv pain medicine plus local anesthesia. I know from reading the info that they opened my cervix and used something like a vacuum force to remove the fetus.

I was 19. Im an alcoholic and i must have gotten pregnant in a blackout because i dont remember unprotected sex that couldve led to my getting pregnant. It took me a few more years, and a lot of drinking over the shame feelings of my abortion before I got sober. This month itll be 2 years since ive had a drink or a drug. And my sister just miscarried a baby that she and her husband wanted so badly.

I dont regret my decision. I used it to beat myself up for a long time and now i get to use my experience to help others.

But its hard and feels unfair that my sister and brother in law, who have careers, stable income, own a home, are having such a hard time getting pregnant.

I remind myself that one does not equal another. That my potential teenage motherhood would not aid their fertility.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread