I had to wait 17 minutes for his tacos

Then people who are standing on their feet holding grocery bags while trying to keep an eye their kids will suffer because of that asshole with huge order. Waiting in a car is nowhere as annoying as standing 17 minutes on your feet.

Not trying to be a dick but as a person who can't afford the luxury of owning a car, everything blows when I'm out. I have to wait for buses in freezing or hot weather and deal with delays and long hours of travel.

I literally live near a highway and it takes only 20 minutes to get to work driving, but taking buses that don't go anywhere near that highway makes it an hour and 15 minutes travel.

Can't afford a car since no job wants to keep any people in their 20s as permanent employees, because young translates to asking for raises and risk of quitting anytime, which isn't true because I'm trying to get something stable.

I'm really sorry for the long rant, but I have nothing but Reddit to vent out my frustration. I just feel TTC here in Toronto doesn't actually help people without cars.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Link - imgur.com