‘I hadn’t thought’ of asking Putin to extradite indicted Russian agents, Trump says

Seeing how extradition is unconstitutional in Russia

Dumb people shouldn't try to explain law, especially law that they pull out of their asses.

The truth for those who are interested:

The US and Russia do not have an extradition treaty. That means neither can be forced by treaty to extradite those who stand accused in the other's country.

Now, does that mean either country cannot in any case extradite someone to the other's country to stand trial?

Abso-fucking-lutely not. The lack of a treaty just means it's at their discretion as to whether they will extradite. That's why it makes sense for Trump to ask Putin to extradite them, especially if we're good buddies and not enemies like our traitor president likes to bullshit about.

But let me reiterate, Trump supporters who've never left the country, know nothing about the world, couldn't find Moscow on a map, get their information from FoxNews, and can't be bothered to do basic research before they start spouting about Russia's constitution (which they've never so much as googled) are officially dumber than the chairs they're sitting on while they type their support for a president who is selling our country out to a foreign enemy.

In the future, when President Shithole goes down as the worst president in US history, do not change your story and start lying about 2018. Tell your kids and grandkids you were right there cheerleading for the whole shitshow. Own it for the rest of your lives.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - ashingtonpost.com