Halloween H20

John would have been next. Michael just would have saved him for the Halloween after next, after he drove all the way back down to Haddonfield to make sure wasn't nobody setting up some dumbass Internet reality show in his old house

I wonder what in Michael's investigations led him to that Nurse's house in the first place. Like, where do you even start with something like that if you're Michael Myers? He usually just relies on his magic premonitions, but I guess that only leads him so far, then he has to rely on maps and road signs.

And, wtf was that woman doing with information on where Laurie Strode is now? Did she keep that information just on the off chance that Michael ever came back? Because that would be incredibly ironic.

Anybody else feel really bad for how Laurie Strode ended up, even at the beginning of H2O? Marrying some chain smoking methadone addict and having a smart ass son who always rubs it in her face that he left her. Kinda would have liked to have thought she caught a break somewhere within those 20 years

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