Hammond & May try to play chess while downing shots

hard drugs

I believe this nomenclature derives from the Dutch drug prohibition paragraphs and is not rooted in scientific analysis (or any analysis at all, really).

for example, the long term damage alcohol does to your brain and liver is way worse then the long term damage most opioids do to your body. most, in fact, do virtually no damage, no brain damage, no liver damage etc, and this AFAIK includes diacetylmorphine, better know by its Bayer brand name Heroin.

Similar for cocain and methampetamine. Alcohol really is pretty hard to beat in terms of actual damage to brain and organs

so if your entire argument hinges on political bullshit categorizations of drugs into "evil" "hard" drugs and "good" "fun" drugs, then there really isnt a reason to be conversing with you, about anything, really

/r/chess Thread Parent Link - youtu.be