A handful of my succulents enjoying some winter sun.

From right to left, we have a bears paw (Cotyledon tomentosa), a gollum jade (Crassula ovata 'Gollum'), a jade (Crassula ovata), an unknown succ which grows very much like a crassula (perhaps you can id?), and a panda plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa). They're all potted in terracotta with ~1:1:1 peat/perlite/vermiculite, which is how I've grown all my succulents since I started with them ~4 years ago. These are largely ~2 years old, as I moved and gave away most of my older plants (u/cranberrysauceless took them in, if she's still around) while keeping only cuttings and props which my sister took care of while I did some traveling. The panda plant was a purchase from two years ago so it's a little more advanced.

All of these just got potted up so they can grow up a bit more this spring and summer, and I use aquarium gravel as a mulch to limit losing soil moisture (well, beyond the well-draining soil and TC pots) but mostly because I like how it looks. My windowsills are delightfully deep for plants because I now live in an older log home. Enjoy, and pardon the window which needs a wash...

/r/succulents Thread Link - i.redd.it