Do you think Hank forgave Walt on any level in Ozymandias?

I don't expect him to be good. But he does so many immoral illegal things it gave me anxiety. He's eaten his real sister's husband's big amt, and to not repay them made up lies they cheated him.. he's convinced my mom and sister of it. he took loan from my mother's father only repaid half, he's done this with several people. I have adjusted to his wants and demands a lot so that he doesn't hurt my mom or sister. He tried to include my sister in his business so he doesn't pay an outsider. He never paid me and i did other side business and paid house bills. And that part was never acknowledged by my sister either while i stood for her. And she's a clinical psychologist lol. Ive given up expectong anyone around me to understand now. It's how the world is, an elders parent word counts more than a sons. And master manipulator get luckier in life that's why they are at top.

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