The Happiest Countries in Europe 2019

all economic metrics (GDP, currency reserves, risk ratings) have been steadily improving in the last 4 years

And you didn't even mention a fact, that now GDP is 3-4 time lower than in 2013.

Your life is better? Good for you, go pray to your chocolate daddy further. Ukraine is not just you and your fuckbuddies. It's a country. And life must improve for the whole country, not just for you.

What did grow? Apartment cost - gas, electricity, water etc. Everything has grown 3-4 times

Products, meds - prices has also grown.

Everything you can buy - it's price has been grown, while minimal wage and pensions - did a little, and the it's growth you don't use multipliaction, but a sum. Unless you multiply by 1.05 or somewhere like that.

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