Happy 1 year anniversary!... I guess...

You can't change directions quickly in this "UT" and that has nothing to with polish, that decision, like the hundreds of others I disagree with was purposeful and intentional. The feel of the input is still bad after 4 years. Scaling isn't polish, movement and weapon mechanics aren't polish, nor is input, these are the fundamentals that make up the core game and should have been the number one priority.

In short, what I'm trying to say is that the gameplay is subpar, on almost every level. If it was polished up and released tomorrow it would tank just like UT3 did. I said the same thing 3 years ago and the only thing that surprises me is that people are still making excuses for game and it's failure.

I've said it already but it's worth repeating, if people enjoy the game or are still interested in it then godspeed. I hope the devs come back and release it as some sort of finished product. As for my brash tone, I spent half my life playing Unreal and 4 years from day 1 of this project hoping this game would amount to something, I tried to argue my pov and many times admittingly not civilly, but looking back and the position the game is in not I don't think I was harsh enough.

/r/unrealtournament Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it