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Look dude, let me be real for a moment. You keep trying to trivialize my, and everyone else's objections to the censorship. You think I'm an idiot or something for wanting to defend "freeze peach", but allow me to explain it from my perspective.

I don't agree with "hate speech" at all. Hating on anyone based on anything other than their personality or actions is absolutely idiotic. I think we can both agree on that. The FPH crowd is repulsive IMO. That said, I hate the idea of them, or anyone else for that matter, being silenced. Silencing one person to protect the feelings of another is wrong. No one has a right to go through life without being offended. Now if that hate bleeds over into outright harassment, then that behavior needs addressed. We should have the right to exist without being harassed or threatened. If the stooges in FPH converge on another thread and start talking shit, ban the users, not the sub. If the sub itself is actively endorsing it, THEN kill the sub. FPH never endorsed brigading. In fact, they tried to ban everyone that did brigade. Assholes exist everywhere, in every sub, but the subs themselves shouldn't be held 100% accountable for their readers behavior. As long as due diligence has been bet. That's the root on MY issue. And SRS actively endorses brigading- not just other subs and users, but other sites. They brag about causing Voat issues. How fucking petty is that? And where is out consistency.

It's a slippery slope. Censoring to protect feels is bad. Look how bad it can get: Apple pulls Civil War games due to Confederate flag. Should re pretend that the Civil War never happened, withhold education, so someone doesn't become "triggered"?

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