Happy birthday to one of the strongest Kunoichi/ Female characters in Naruto

> Alright now your just defending her just cause you like her. Ik you don't wanna accept that your queen is not as powerful as you think she is, but

First of all no I like Kushina mei Termari Tsunade and Hinata more then I like Sakura but is Sakura a good character yes she is at least my opinion you are 100% entitled to your opinion of Sakura i am not going to hate you if you like her or don't

I will judge from what you said I did say one of the strongest so top 5 strongest female characters in Naruto who are Kunoichi which means no Kaguya and Delta from Boruto because they are not Shinobis and well they stomp any female characters in Natuto and this will be at their prime so Adult Sakura against whatever prime that you listed

This is just my Opinion

> Temari

Is there anything to suggest that Termari is even Kage level in power like Shikamaru she has Kage level thinking but not ability if adult Sakura lands a super powered punch she would get destroyed and with Katsuyu Temari has no chance

> Hinata

Hinata in Hamura charka maybe is Kage level sadly she has no feats to suggest that Sakura is much faster and well is stronger than Hinata in terms of raw strength

> Konan

I give to you I was too harsh on her although I not including any prep time meaning that Konan doesn't have her paper bomb ocean like she did against Obito because that took 10 years to do and still lost mind you that Obito is above 90% of kages in the series so it not fair he would slap either one of them

So no Paper bomb ocean because that require a specific location and time to do. It depends if Sakura get close range she would win which I think can happen but you can give to Konan if you feel like she doesn't

> Kurotsuchi

> Mei Terumi

This does depend on if Sakura can get close to them if she can she wins if not she loses like Konan but I do think that Sakura would this is just my opinion you don't have to agree with anything I said

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