Happy birthday to Tommy Douglas, the father of socialized medicine in Canada! Voted as The Greatest Canadian of all-time in 2004, he was someone who believed that every citizen should have access to healthcare, regardless of how much money they make.

Not to be 'that guy' but socialism is not about the public owning things per se, but is about workers having democratic ownership over their workplaces. Technically our public healthcare system is not socialist because that would mean that doctors, nurses, etc. would actually own the hospitals and clinics that they work in, and thus make all of its operating decisions. But we have more of a top-down Keynesian system for our healthcare (which is actually capitalist). Not disagreeing, but these are important qualifications! 'Socialized' medicine is more of a bad word made up by Americans to stigmatize the idea of 'public' programs. One exception being that often times family physicians do actually own their practices, so in that case we could call it socialized medicine. But not so much when we talk about hospitals and other mainstream clinics. In fact, the Canadian system has been systematically privatized through time, including things like EMT services, all lab services/work, clothing and uniform services, in-patient laundry services, hospital cooks and food, cleaning staff, etc. So there is plenty in our system that is no longer public like it used to be.

Source: am a Canadian healthcare historian. And can't thank you enough for sharing this wonderful bit of our history!

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