Happy legalization day boys.

You seem to have alot of hate, which is common in triggered Trump dck riders. But lets clear some stuff up: 1) Nobody is going to a crap hole like America for health care, when all drugs are free under the age of 25 and over the age of 65 in Canada. And I personally have had surgery for free that would cost thousands in the states. 2) Vancouver is an asian ridden hole, but still manages to have less crime than Detroit, NY and Philidelphia combined. 3) Hate crimes are an actuality in the US as well, but we still say whatever tf we want, then solve it with a little scrap and it ends there most of the time. 4) We have many guns, pretty much all legal except for handguns and automatics.. because they are for hunting, not hiding behind when you too pussy to square up with mans. 5) We accept immigrants because there is so much work here, we cannot quell the job demands on our own. And they all work legally and get benefits.. 6) Trump did nothing but kick a dead horse a few more feet. And managed to make enemies with some of the largest and most powerful Nations.. not countries, but nations. Because there is a differance. 7) The uses wishes so bad to legalize marijuana that it is fighting state by state, tooth and nail to get it done.

The US are the most hated country in the world, mostly because they poke their nose in everyone's business. Which everyone allows, until the states eventually will become of no use.

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