It's hard to believe, but it's been TWENTY years since we lost one of the best technical wrestlers ever and simply one of the true good guys in the sport

I love Owen as a wrestler (best gutwrench suplex ever) and as a worker (he’d make anyone look great) but the Austin/neck story really rubbed me the wrong way, especially after Austin hinted he felt kind of offended Owen didn’t feel the need to apologize. I won’t forgive him for costing Austin his career, especially if Austin’s account (that he never wanted to take a sit-out finish to the move, but Owen did it anyways) was true. It’s the worst botch in wrestling history and Owen didn’t handle it well.

Even Bret didn’t like how he handled it. I think the defining feature of Owen was he didn’t have an ego because wrestling was a means to an end of not being there.

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